Just A Side Note

Welcome to my unorganized thoughts and rambling.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Don't Need Real Babies Because...

I've got my cat who is basically my teeny tiny needy child!

Isn't she just the most adorable cat in the entire world?!


Annnd when she was a kitten.

I never knew I could love anything so much. I love my cat more than pretty much everything.

Now, I know what you're all thinking:
a) My cat is adorable.
b) I'm a crazy cat lady in the making because I'm an 18 year old who is ALREADY blogging about her cat.

That's alright. No big deal.

I've just learned that she is basically my kid. No teen mom right here!

Mtv should slap a cat and a box on condoms on all those dumb girl's door steps. PROBLEM SOLVED! Basically, a light bulb just lit up right over my head. Basically, I just saved the world from teen pregnancy. Because who doesn't love a cute, little kitten?

I know what you're thinking:
"They're not going to stay a kitten for long, then all those slutty teenagers will have sex and it won't even matter. PROBLEM NOT SOLVED"


When those kittens grow up, they become cats. And those cats become little stalker cats... that follow you around EVERYWHERE... throughout your whole house... then they lay on your bed every time you're in it... and stare at you.

No teenager is going to want to have sex while their cat is staring right at them! PROBLEM SOLVED!

I'm a genius.

That's all. That's all to it. You're welcome, world. You're welcome.

Now, hopefully Obama reads this blog post. Then my cat and I will go to the White House and have to give a nice little speech to every school in America.

See? They lay with you every chance they get. <3

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